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Writer's pictureM. K. Gantt

Culture in Crisis

We don’t need a leader with strong foreign policy, brilliant economic skills, or military stature. We need a leader who will humble himself before almighty God and lead the nation into a season of national repentance.

What Might the Judgment of God Look Like?

Just stand back and take a long, thoughtful look at flow of the culture in America. We must consider the possibility that God's judgment, in some measure, has already fallen upon us. In fact, the prophet Jeremiah issues some stark warnings that we ought to pay attention to.  Isaiah 2:22 concludes with instruction to "stop regarding man;" place no trust in man for deliverance. Why? Because the Lord was about to take away from Israel the prominent men, and replace them with weak, childish, effeminate, sentimental men (and women). It would seem that our government is awash with incompetency these days. We are being led by men and women who have exceeded their competence by a far piece.

If we are to believe the prophet we must conclude that the lack of sound, decisive, and competent leadership is clear evidence of God's judgment upon a society.  As a matter of fact, John Calvin is credited with a chilling statement: “When God wants to judge a wicked people He gives them wicked rulers.” 

Isaiah continues in the first three verses of chapter three: "For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay, and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water. The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient. The captain of fifty, and the honorable man, and the counselor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator." 

We do well to note what kind of men begin to disappear from our nation when the judgment of God begins:  Mighty men, military men who protect the weak, men of righteous judgment, men who boldly proclaim the Word of God, wise men, men of experience, local leaders, men of character, men of wise counsel, men of verbal skill.  How many have taken the position today when considering how to cast their vote, “I don’t have confidence in any of these candidates.”

When noble men are missing from a society, who rules? Who rises to prominence? Matthew Henry answers, "When the mighty men and the prudent are removed children shall be their princes –– children in age, who must be under tutors and governors, children in understanding and disposition, childish men, no more fit to rule than a child in the cradle. These shall rule over them, with all the folly, fickleness, and forwardness of a child." 

What will we see? Increasing incompetence in the government of the nation. Those who are put on the ballot to lead the nation will be increasingly incompetent to run the government. Isaiah speaks of men desiring others to be their leaders simply because they have better clothing. "When a man shall take hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying. Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand: On that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people." (Isa.3:6-7) Isaiah goes on to speak words of judgment upon the gaudy "daughters of Zion" (Isa.3:16-24) who take advantage of this absence of strong men by dressing and acting in an outlandish manner.

This manifestation of God's judgment in the absence of strong and godly men is a prelude to another manifestation of God's judgment –– lack of supply and physical destruction. 

"Thy men shall all by the sword, and the mighty in war. And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground. And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying. We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: Only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." (Isa.3:25-4:1) 

The pathetic state of godly men and faithful fathers in our land today is not a forerunner of God's judgment; it is God's judgment. We are not in the midst of some cultural problem, or a psychological problem, or an economic problem. What we have is a spiritual problem. It is God's judgment and wrath upon a people who have rejected His rule and who have refused to walk in His ways. Spiritual problems are not resolved by sociological, psychological, political or economic remedies; they are solved by searching the Scriptures to discover what is lacking, by repenting of our sins, and by walking in obedience to the commandments of our God.

We don’t need a leader with strong foreign policy, brilliant economic skills, or military stature. We need a leader who will humble himself before almighty God and lead the nation into a season of national repentance. We need a leader whose chief advisor is the Ancient of Days. We need leaders with the fabric of a Hezekiah and Josiah . . . who will not declare the greatness of America, but who will confess the sin of America and cry out to the Judge of all nations to make Himself known by raining down upon America a deep sorrow for our rebellion. A sorrow so heavy that it will cause cries for forgiveness will rise from the land. Instead of praying for a Biden, or Harris, or Trump –– let us plead with God for a David.


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Randy Nelson
Randy Nelson
Aug 21, 2024

Can I ask why you write this blog entry as if its unacceptable to have a woman in leadership. Is that your belief or simply the repeating of the scriptures with the bias that was written in when first written. I understand the point you are making yes family values have broken down and yes some men are not living up to their calling to be leaders of the family. However is that really the issue?? I don't see the issue being a lack of leadership but a lack of personal responsibiltiy. A lack of teaching or the word or God and a absence of character. From both men and women. Yes i agree we do need another great awakeni…

M. K. Gantt
M. K. Gantt
Aug 25, 2024
Replying to

Could you please include the statement in this post where I suggested that women could not be in leadership? I can't seem to find it. On another note - I had a fairly long reply to this comment written and chose to delete it. I can't see much value in trying to have an amiable conversation with someone who considers me to be a fake and a fool. I do my best not to denigrate others or stoop to calling names. We have not communicated very much over the past several years Randy, but clearly at some point, I have offended you - but I have no idea how or why. I love a spirited exchange of ideas, but I…

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